Fast, accurate veterinary care without waiting for results from other locations. Our In-house laboratory facilitates a series of tests that allow you to obtain results quickly to bring resolve to any concerns you have in relation to your pet’s health.

Pets have a wide variety of needs. Their capacity to express themselves is often limited to the physical signs and change in behaviour that you observe as you interact with them. Being able to respond to these needs on an expedited basis is instrumental to your pet’s life.
Your pet is a part of your family. We aim to provide the ultimate assistance by way of our in-house laboratory.
In-house Laboratory Testing
Our in-house testing laboratory is equipped with a series of tests to accommodate your pet’s most pressing medical concerns:
- CBC (Complete Blood Counts)
- Blood chemistry panels to evaluate internal organ function
- Urinalysis
- Fecal exam and testing for intestinal parasites
- Parvovirus testing
- Heartworm detection
- Electrolyte evaluation
- Cytology of skin and ear samples
- Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus testing
Benefits of an In-house laboratory
If want to know why you should be taking advantage of our in-house laboratory service?
Our in-house laboratory allows your vet to receive fast results on the health and well-being of your pet. External laboratories occasionally have different policies in relation to time, testing, and your pet’s needs. Further, the turnaround time for results may hinder the vet’s ability to best assist you and your pet.
Damage Control
Sometimes tests can reveal the need for further tests, especially on a time- sensitive basis. With our in-house laboratory, your vet is able to analyze results immediately and run further tests in a timely matter to prevent further complications for your pet. This is particularly the case for senior pets whose physical health and behaviour can change instantaneously.
Less Client Anxiety
Waiting for test results can be stressful for you and your family. If you test in- house you can better anticipate the timeline of the result and remove the “guesswork” from diagnostic decisions.
Patient-vet familiarity
In-house testing is beneficial in that it allows you to have the confidence that your pet’s health is in your vet’s best interest. Your vet is likely familiar with your pet’s health history and it is readily available to refer to in conjunction with test results and diagnoses.
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