Our clinic offers preventive, regenerative and rehabilitative medicine to ensure that both yours and your pet’s needs are met optimally and in-house.
Your pet’s life and health is vital and we ensure to provide services that can provide recourse no matter which direction you may go.
The adage, “Hindsight is 20/20” often holds true in many of life’s discourses. So too, is it relevant in the biology of animals. You are better off being proactive and therefore, preventative than looking back and saying, “If I had known, I would have done that”.
Despite this adage the materialization of this saying on a quite frequent basis, rehabilitative and regenerative medicine is relied upon to facilitate these veterinary shortcomings.
Preventative Medicine
Preventative medicine is not a single procedure, medication or treatment. Instead, it consists of a vast majority of checks and balances of assessing your pet’s health, wellness, and risk of diseases or health problems.
Once the veterinarian has obtained his findings he advises on the proper nutrition, vaccinations, dental care, or preventative treatment to defend against the potential risks. It is imperative to take heed to your vet’s recommendations, as it can be life changing for you and your furry companion.
Safeguarding your pet’s health can include regular wellness exams as changes such as age, injury, and size can have an impact on your pet’s risk factors. Further, if you are forewarned about potential risks, wellness checkups should occur more than once per year. Your vet will outline a visitation schedule and a lifestyle plan to ensure your pet is in its best health.
Rehabilitative and Regenerative Medicine
When your pet has had surgery, experienced injury or trauma, or suffers from chronic diseases that make their lives challenging, their mobility becomes abnormal. Interactions and simple tasks become strained.
Rehabilitative and regenerative medicine works to relieve your pet from pain and restore health and mobility to a state that is sometimes better than they were in before.
Based on your pet’s needs, your veterinarian will create a rehabilitative plan that includes exercise, massages, and assessments of your pet’s physiological and anatomical needs in order to derive the intensity and manual therapy that will accommodate recovery. Not all cases are repairable with rehabilitation.
Regenerative Medicine
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is a reliable regenerative method that uses light energy, fired at a specified wavelength, to restore and regenerate function in the injury or pain site. Our veterinarians have specialized training to administer laser therapy and provide the most effective treatment.
Laser therapy works to treat the following conditions:
- Hot spots
- Inflammation
- Back/pain injury
- Osteoarthritis
- Trauma
- Post- operative wound healing
Our preventative, rehabilitative, and generative efforts are dear to our hearts. We work with your family to develop resourceful plans to restore your pet’s best self. Our experienced vets and specialized clinicians work with precision, effectiveness, and most importantly, love, to relieve the pain and replace it with smiles.
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